Green School Committee

Audrey from Dublin City Council visited the school to assess our litter and waste management. She was introduced to our Green Schools Committee:
Green School Committee

Audrey from Dublin City Council visited the school to assess our litter and waste management. She was introduced to our Green Schools Committee:

○ Chairperson: Alex Siwalee Poland

○ Vice Chairperson: Eoin Meehan

○ Secretary: Sean Fagan

○ Ambassadors: Craig Brennan, Eoghan Loughnane, Jerome Jose, Luke Stanford and Raja Sumeer.

The committee gave a presentation of how we recycle using separate bins and how our TY classes empty the recycling bins every Monday and Thursday. They also informed her of our Climate Action Week and our targets of reducing our carbon emissions by 10% and single use plastic by 10%, and our TY clean-up and waste audit last week. She was brought down to see our Green School Committee notice board outside the staffroom.

Audrey was very impressed with the progress in our school and informed Mr. Moore that she will be recommending our school for our Green School Flag renewal. The Green Schools Committee has been successful in renewing our Green Flag for another year, thanks to the work of both the committee and the TY groups who have looked after the recycling bins all year.

The Green Schools Committee received the Green Flag at a presentation in the Helix, DCU on the 23rd of May. The Committee and Mr. Moore would like to thank our outgoing committee members as they graduate from St. Aidan's and also appeal to our student body to get involved next year. There are some exciting projects on the horizon!

Aug 22
Staff Development Day
Aug 23
School Reopens – 1st Year Induction
Sep 30
School Closed– Discretionary Day
Oct 01
6th Year Careers Information Evening
The entire St. Aidan's Community would like to congratulate past pupil Cathal Doyle after he secured qualification for the forthcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
Tuesday's visit from some 6th class students from our local primary schools who visited us for a little tour. Here they are chatting to their Year Head, Ms Thompson with some teachers and SNAs.
St Aidan's CBS
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01 837 7587
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