Leaving Certificate Applied


The LCA programme is a 2 year Leaving Certificate programme which is available to students who wish to follow a more practical Leaving Certificate programme which has a vocational focus. The programme places an emphasis on preparing our students for the world of work and lifelong learning. The programme develops key skills, such as team work and communication skills, necessary for the modern workplace. Regular Work Experience is an essential part of LCA and provides students with an opportunity to sample a range of jobs.

What do I study in LCA?

All LCA students study the following subjects:

  • Vocational Preparation and Guidance
  • English and Communication
  • Mathematical Applications
  • ICT
  • Arts Education
  • Social Education
  • Gaeilge Chumarsáideach (Conversational Irish)
  • Modern Language
  • Leisure and Recreation
  • 2 vocational specialism options

How is LCA assessed?

LCA is different from the established Leaving Certificate in that there is a lot less emphasis on the final examinations. Coursework is assessed throughout the 2 years and credits are awarded as they work through their key assignments and modules. Assessment is through written work, oral work, interviews and practical tasks.

Overall there are 200 credits awarded for LCA. The breakdown is as follows:

62 Credits 31% Ongoning attendance, class work and assignments
70 Credits 35% 7 Students Tasks (project work)
68 Credits 34% 7 Final Examinations (which take place in June after completion of Year 2)
TOTAL: 200 Credits 100%

Students are then awarded their certificate at three levels:

Pass 120-139 credits
Merit 140-169 credits
Distinction 170-200 credits

Students with less than 120 credits receive a record of experience.

Students get as statement of their results four times throughout the year so they receive regular feedback on how they are progressing.

Why study LCA in St Aidan’s?

  • Regular Work Experience
  • Small Class size
  • Increased individual teacher assistance and pastoral support
  • Practical and Vocational based timetable
  • Varied Teaching methodologies (pair/group work)
  • Continuous assessment
  • More computer based work
  • Final exams are not as long or as intensive as the established Leaving Certificate
  • LCA is a recognised qualification
  • Interview and presentation skills used extensively throughout the course.

What can I do after LCA?

The LCA programme is accepted for a wide range of Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses at FETAC Level 5. It will also provide access to most apprenticeships and other vocational training awards. Many students complete a PLC with the intention of using their award to progress to third level Education through a system called the Higher Education Links Scheme.

Who should consider applying?

  • Someone who prefers practical learning
  • Someone who would be motivated by continuous assessment
  • Someone who wants to get work experience
  • Someone who wants to develop skills that will help their future career.

Where can I find more information?

Oct 22
Parent/Teacher Meeting: 6th Year Students
Oct 28
Midterm Break
Nov 14
Parent/Teacher Meeting: 2nd Year Students
Dec 10
Parent/Teacher Meeting: 3rd Year Students
Our Board of Management recently approved our School Lotto. We are commencing this at an exciting time in our school community - we recently got planning permission for the school extension which is a positive step forward in our school development!
The entire St. Aidan's Community would like to congratulate past pupil Cathal Doyle after he secured qualification for the forthcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
St Aidan's CBS
Collins Ave, Whitehall, Dublin 9, D09XT54.
01 837 7587
© 2024 St Aidan's CBS