Parents' Association

St. Aidan's CBS Parents' Council represents an important home/school relationship, and it can bring about the formation of further links by:

  • Helping the school to provide wider opportunities for involvement by parents generally, and
  • Play an advisory and consultative role in relation to the school on behalf of the parents who elect it

The following are just some of the functions we provide:

  • Providing Expert Speakers to parents on a range of issues (e.g. bullying, drugs, study skills, nutrition etc.)
  • Providing a forum in the school for issues that affect parents as a body.
  • Involvement in school policies (e.g. Admissions Policy >>)
  • Promoting parent's views at Parents' Councils nationally and to The Department of Education on relevant issues (e.g. Curriculum Development)
  • Supporting St. Aidan's Awards Ceremony For Extra Curricular Activities.
  • Contributing to St. Aidan's Book Fair
  • Promoting non-uniform days for charitable fundraising.
  • Assisting at St. Aidan's Graduation Ceremony
  • Training for our members
  • Fundraising for our group
  • Catering at schools events during the year
Aug 22
Staff Development Day
Aug 23
School Reopens – 1st Year Induction
Sep 30
School Closed– Discretionary Day
Oct 01
6th Year Careers Information Evening
The entire St. Aidan's Community would like to congratulate past pupil Cathal Doyle after he secured qualification for the forthcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
Tuesday's visit from some 6th class students from our local primary schools who visited us for a little tour. Here they are chatting to their Year Head, Ms Thompson with some teachers and SNAs.
St Aidan's CBS
Collins Ave, Whitehall, Dublin 9, D09XT54.
01 837 7587
© 2024 St Aidan's CBS