Awards Night

This is a special evening in the school calendar and embodies so many great qualities of our students.
Awards Night

The return of the school’s Awards Night was a sure sign that normal life was returning and we certainly welcomed that. This is a special evening in the school calendar and embodies so many great qualities of our students. Last year due to Covid it took place online but nothing beats a live audience filled with student nominees and very proud parents. Ms Brennan, new to the job of organising and running the Awards Night, did so in her very capable, organised and calm manner. Ms Thompson did a fine job as MC which helped the night flow so smoothly.

Our guest speaker on the night was Mr. Aidan Lynch, a past teacher and also a past-pupil of the school. He spoke of the wonderful traditions in the school that instils great values in the students. He said the things you remember are the things you are recognised for at events like Awards Night and told the students that they were very lucky to be in a school like St. Aidan’s.

Warmest congratulations to all nominees and winners on this very special night. We appreciate and give a special thanks to all the sponsors on the night, Student Council, and all the staff without whose help it would not be possible.

Awards NightAwards NightAwards NightAwards NightAwards NightAwards Night
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Tuesday's visit from some 6th class students from our local primary schools who visited us for a little tour. Here they are chatting to their Year Head, Ms Thompson with some teachers and SNAs.
St Aidan's CBS
Collins Ave, Whitehall, Dublin 9, D09XT54.
01 837 7587
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