Codathon Event

To celebrate European Code week our Digital Champions (Anes Tamtam & Cian Sevilla) organised a coding event for 3rd year students on Monday October 18th.
Codathon Event

To celebrate European Code week our Digital Champions (Anes Tamtam & Cian Sevilla) organised a coding event for 3rd year students on Monday October 18th. Some 50 Third Year students took part in this event. They used Minecraft and Scratch to carry out various coding assignments.

The standard of projects was very high overall. Congratulations to Gleb Solovjov and Micah Murray who won €25 euro Gamestop vouchers for their excellent projects. Well done all!

Codathon EventCodathon EventCodathon Event
Aug 22
Staff Development Day
Aug 23
School Reopens – 1st Year Induction
Sep 30
School Closed– Discretionary Day
Oct 01
6th Year Careers Information Evening
The entire St. Aidan's Community would like to congratulate past pupil Cathal Doyle after he secured qualification for the forthcoming Olympic Games in Paris.
Tuesday's visit from some 6th class students from our local primary schools who visited us for a little tour. Here they are chatting to their Year Head, Ms Thompson with some teachers and SNAs.
St Aidan's CBS
Collins Ave, Whitehall, Dublin 9, D09XT54.
01 837 7587
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